Friday, August 28, 2009

Colon Cleansing - An experiment

My interest in a colon cleanser procedure began after reading a book by N.W. Walker. Mr. Walker is believed to be the father of juicing (not steroids, but rather fruits and vegetables) and it is also rumored that he lived to be around 120 years old. After reading his book sometime ago I found a colon therapist and had twelve sessions over a two month period.

The process involved laying on a table in the fetal position while the therapist inserts a plastic tube up your butt. Once secured you roll over gently so as not to push out the plastic probe and purified water is pumped into your colon. The sensation is a bit weird as the pressure builds and a bit uncomfortable until such time when the pumping is stopped and the pressure built inside your colon is released (along with some other stuff).

I must admit the process is a bit surreal. I was laying on a table with my knees bent, a clear plastic tube connected to my backdoor and I could see all the “stuff” coming out and going through another larger clear tube that was illuminated for easier inspection of the floating material.

The therapist massaged my colon by pressing, pushing and pulling on my lower abdominal area to encourage the release of the toxic colon build-up. When the output began to decrease the therapist pumped more water in increasing the pressure to a slightly uncomfortable level then stopped pumping and the pressure was released through the exit tube. This process was repeated about three times each session.

Each visit was about 45 minutes to an hour in length. After the tube was removed I would sit on the toilet for a couple of minutes to evacuate any remaining water etc.

The therapist mentioned to me after my initial visit that I may experience some fatigue the following day and man was she right! I was exhausted! All I wanted to do was sleep. Apparently, cleaning your colon out is taxing on the body. I didn’t experience any fatigue after the subsequent visits and I’m assuming the reason for this was because my body wasn’t having to remove as much toxic build-up as the first time. Some people describe a feeling of being lighter after a colon cleansing and I never really felt that, but some interesting things did happened to me though.

After the second session I developed a small reddish rash on my stomach and mentioned this to my therapist. She explained that it was probably my body removing toxins that had been dormant in my colon. It wasn’t bothering me and I liked the idea that I was riding myself of the evil toxins so I didn’t worry about it. Over the course of the next week the rash had progressed to the undersides of my arms, midsection, and groin area. These rashes were very pronounced (raised) in the morning and dissipated during the course of the day so by bed time they were very faint and flat. This went on for weeks and with each passing week the rashes/hives became less noticeable until totally vanishing. I’m not allergic to anything and never had rashes/hives before so I believe my outbreak was a direct result of the colon cleanse therapy. I’m happy to report that I haven’t had an outbreak since.

Another thing that happened to me was about midway through my twelve sessions I developed a distaste for red meat! I’ve always been a meat eater and one of my favorite subs is a cornbeef sub. It was the weirdest thing! I first noticed that after I ate the cornbeef sub that I would feel nauseous for hours after eating it. Then it got to the point that when I thought about eating it I would feel sick. To this day I cannot eat red meat without feeling nauseous. I can’t even look at hamburger meat now! I am, however, able to eat turkey and chicken so I don’t know why I have issues with red meat.

I mentioned this to my therapist and she believed it was my body telling me that it didn’t want the meat because it was harmful. The analogy I would make to this would be someone who had smoked for a long period of time, quit for years, let their body get healthy, and then started smoking again.

Well, that’s my first experience with colon cleansing and I would say it was fairly successful. Did I feel a lot better or healthier because of it? A little. Would I recommend this to a family member or friend? Absolutely! Although my experience wasn’t stellar I definitely believe having a clean and healthy colon is the foundation to build your health upon. Remember death begins in the colon!

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